Working together with churches of all denominations.
The Addington Fund, as a charity with Christian roots, works very closely with churches of all denominations and fully appreciates the role the clergy perform in rural life.
The Fund has benefitted hugely both in the community and financially from church backing and involvement, and is both pleased and proud to send representatives to services when requested.
We have long ties with our co-founder, The Reverend Canon Sally Fogden in Suffolk, and with Canon Harry Doyle in the North West with the Catholic Rural Network. We also actively support the Cheshire Rural Chaplaincy.
The services we attend often revolve around the agricultural calendar, such as:
Rogation Sunday in May
When growing crops and newly born livestock are blessed.
LAMMAS in August
When the new crop is made into bread at the start of harvest.
Harvest Festival in September and October
Celebrating the gathering of harvest.
Advent Services
Celebrating the four Sundays run up to Christmas.
Christmas Carol Services
and Nine Readings.
Regular events in the Addington calendar, which you may like to attend include:
LAMMAS at Hoxne in Suffolk
The first Wednesday in August.
Harvest Service at The King’s Chapel of The Savoy
in London in October.
The Warwickshire Carol Service at St Michael’s Church, Budbrooke
near Warwick in December.
Legacies and memorial services fundraising
The Addington Fund also benefits from legacies and funds raised at funeral and memorial services, when we remember the lives of supporters and believers in the work that the Addington Fund does. We can supply gift aid envelopes and Addington leaflets for such occasions.
If you would like to host or run a service in aid of the Addington Fund, please use the form provided on this page to order leaflets and gift aid envelopes.