We answer your commonly asked questions
Trustees Discretionary Fund (TDF)
Can I apply for a grant even if I have savings?
We will always focus our support for those in greatest need. As such, we prioritise any grants to applicants who have total savings of any description of less than £10,000.
How do I apply for a grant?
Getting started is easy. Simply telephone our office or email us and we will be happy to send you an application form. If you are unsure about completing any forms, we can arrange for someone to call round to help you with the application. Just ask.
Will I be expected to repay my grant?
Our grants are there to help you in times of financial need. As such, we do not expect it to be repaid. Should your financial situation improve in the future, we are always happy to accept donations to continue our work and help others.
I am a dairy farmer and the price I get paid for my milk has dropped. Can you help with this shortfall in income?
We certainly appreciate that the marketplace for agricultural commodities is inherently volatile, however we have to focus all our support on helping farmers in other ways. Therefore, unfortunately, we cannot provide financial help in response to challenging returns.
You may be able to benefit from an arrangement we have with the Duchy of Cornwall however. Their highly trained specialist advisers can offer advice, free of charge, to help farms become more viable. The Princes Countryside Fund also run a resilience programme.
Will the TDF pay for any animal vaccination costs?
We have to prioritise our funds to alleviate hardship in unforeseen times of emergency. As such, we are unable to cover routine animal vaccination costs.
However, it is worth bearing in mind that if inclement weather has disastrous consequences, our grants will not be means tested if the welfare of animals is at stake and speed is of the essence to prevent further suffering.
I am having problems paying my feed bills. My farm income just doesn’t seem to meet the costs these days. Can I apply to your Trustees’ Discretionary Fund?
We understand the challenges you face as a farmer in trying to balance the books and we may be able to put you in touch with a professional adviser to help you through this situation. However, the TDF exists to help when unforeseen expenses impact otherwise viable farming businesses in times of emergency.
If your farm becomes unviable and you think you may have to leave, our Affordable Houses and Retirement Homes schemes may be able to help you relocate within the countryside at an affordable cost. Please don’t hesitate to enquire about our housing schemes.
Retirement Homes
How do I qualify for your Retirement Homes scheme?
You are eligible to apply for our Retirement Homes if you are leaving an agricultural holding which has been your main source of income, and by doing so you will also lose your home. This may be due to retirement, ill health or your farm becoming unviable. Unfortunately, eligibility does not guarantee success and we are unable to accept applications prompted by domestic reasons, such as marital breakdowns or partner disputes. If you would like to discuss your circumstances or for more information about the confidential application process, please contact us.
How much are your rents?
The rents you will pay are at least 20% below the market rent for similar properties in the same area. If you take out Shared Equity, you will only pay rent on our share of the property’s ownership. Many of our existing tenants qualify for housing benefit and we would advise you to enquire with the appropriate agencies to understand if you are eligible for the same payments. We may also be able to offer ‘rent support’ depending on your circumstances. Just ask.
When I retire from the farm, I will have some savings to put towards a house purchase. Can you offer shared equity purchases?
Yes, currently three quarters of our houses are in a ‘shared equity’ arrangement, where our tenants have a financial interest in the house. The percentage is calculated and rent reduced accordingly. The costs of our responsibilities as your landlord, such as external maintenance and insurance, are determined by the percentage split of the equity agreement. Should the house be sold, any proceeds will be divided on the same basis.
I am a farmworker and am about to lose my tied accommodation. Am I eligible?
We cannot help through our Retirement Homes scheme but may be able to help you through our Affordable Housing scheme, if we have any vacancies. Please see our Affordable Housing scheme FAQs below.
I have read how Addington tries to keep families within their locality, but I wish to move further away to be nearer my family. Is this possible?
Yes, we will always try to find a home for you in an area of your choice. While this is often nearby because of work, schools, friends and families, we can look at other locations if necessary.
What sort of tenancy agreements do you offer?
We use standard Assured Shorthold Tenancies. These give an initial six-month commitment. After that, as a tenant, you must give one month’s notice. As the landlord, we must give two months’ notice. Whilst we do wish that any housing arrangement with us is for the long term, the notice period gives us the protection we need as responsible landlords. Tenancy agreements with married couples are usually ‘joint tenants’.
I am interested in applying to you for housing but I don’t feel confident about form filling. Can you help me?
Absolutely, albeit indirectly. We have very close links with another farming charity, the Farming Community Network (FCN), who like us are part of the Farming Help organisation. They have members nationwide who know and understand farming and farmers. We can arrange for them to come to your house and discuss your options with you. They will talk you through the whole application process and can answer any questions you may have.
I have to leave the farm, but don’t really know what I want to do long term. Would you consider buying a house for a few years, while I consider my options?
We prioritise our available housing for those who are looking for a long-term solution. The buying and selling of houses is both costly and time-consuming. Longer term arrangements help to keep how we function as a charity as sustainable as possible, allowing us to help more people.
Can you provide finance so that I can purchase the land where I currently keep my stock and/or the farmhouse I live in?
Unfortunately, we have to prioritise our support in a different way. Unless your intended purchase of the land or farmhouse is with the express intention to provide a home for you upon your retirement, we are unable to offer any finance in this situation.
When I leave the farm, I would like to do some contracting and keep a few animals. Would you buy a house with a yard and a few acres?
We only buy ordinary residential homes. This approach ensures that our properties are appropriate for a broad spectrum of people, long into the future. If you wish to run a business that requires additional space, the onus would be on you to find and self-fund any such additional premises.
I am experiencing issues with my current landlord/agent. Are you able to advise me on my best options?
We would suggest that you speak to a legal representative, such as a solicitor, or the Citizen’s Advice Bureau, or the charity Shelter, as our own staff are not qualified to offer such specialist advice.
My landlord has served me notice to quit. I need advice and assistance to fight this. Can you help?
We suggest that you contact the Tenant Farmers Association or the National Farmers Union and seek specialist legal advice. While we offer many avenues of support to the farming community, unfortunately our work does not extend to offering advice or funding to help retain a tenancy with any other landlords.
I left my farm years ago, but am worried about the long term tenure of my current rented home. Can I still apply?
If you have already left your farm and are living in suitable and affordable housing, you would still be eligible to apply to us for an Addington home. Our trustees may have to prioritise applications from people with more short-term concerns, but please do speak to us about your current housing situation as we might be able to help.
Affordable Housing
I am a farmworker and I don’t earn enough to cover the cost of rent in a property close to my place of work. Can you help?
At the moment our Affordable Housing scheme is available in Cornwall, Cumbria, Worcestershire and Carmarthenshire, but we are hoping to expand this into other counties in England and Wales. Our aim is to have at least one house in every county. Please contact the office to enquire about any vacancies.
How do I qualify for one of your Affordable Houses?
You must work in a land based or rural occupation and be unable to afford to rent or buy in the area you wish to live in order to be eligible to apply. Please refer to the Affordable Houses page for more information.